
My Violin Childhood

Through all the instruments, I like violin best. Actually I have a violin serendipity. Many instruments have their own characteristic, especially the violin. I can easily to identificate the tune of violin by its special blood.
I still believe violin has a soul, different man play violin while the melody is also different even they're playing the same song. I had learned to play violin for 2 years when I was five years old. I even hadn't go to school, but dating with violin everyday. In these days, the life seemed too hard to go on, I was just a child! As a matter of fact, I hate violin at that time, it's terrible, boring, made my childhood suffering. Learning is never a diffeculty but to hold on. After two years, I gave it up when my primary school just began. I'm sure I'd make the worst decision to stop it today, it's the most regret thing in my mind.
So I love violin most, exactly I'm missing it, like an old friend of mine, I know her but I cannot find her any more, cause it will exist in my memory forever.

Finally I would like to give you a video of my idol who can play violin very well, he also plays piano,guita,cello and so on. Maybe the video is difficult to open up, because it needs several minutes to buffer, please be patient and I have checked it out there's no problem.If you really love music ,hold on please,my dear friends.

2 条评论:

  1. Hello Loyal,
    Thanks for the both visit and comment. I really enjoyed your post even thought it is kind a sad story. I also believe that every instrument has its own soul. Have you ever thought about playing a violin again? About the music, it works fine as you mentioned. From the music, I understood few words: Julia, Julia, Julia, and so on. :)

  2. Loyal,

    What a nice post--I was intrigued by your comment that instruments have souls. I wonder how you find them out, or whether people other than their players can see/feel them....I tried to watch the video but it said it was unavailable. I will try to remember to check back later.
