
Sculpture at UMASS Boston

I'd like to rename the "Gods" to "Sustain".
From its introduction, I see this sculpture has a close relationship with the author's family. There are 3 members in his family, the separate three sculptures are all in different shapes, but I can feel they support each other by staying together. And the god means support and dependence, besides, "god" is a little difficult to understand if I don't read the introduction. So I think "Sustain" is better.


Dorothea Lange

Last week, we had prepared for the presentation of the artist---Dorothea Lange. So I found some informations of her from the Internet and books.

After thinking about her works, I discovered an interesting issue: the relasionship between passion and job. Of course, she started it with love; however, she thought highly of photography step by step. She became more responsibility when she went over the country and saw many poors' lives, photography was no longer an interest for her, but a career. Her works can not be judge by money or something physical, they depond on the balance in our hearts. Her work is also a challenge to the public at that time. Dorothea hoped not only to encourge others to help the poors, but also change others' mind to compete for their rights. She spent almost her whole life to take photos, she thought her work is worthful. In order to do the great work, I think she had to give up many things.

In our modern life, it's too difficult to do something free, most of us try to find a job, least people want to creat a career. I regard Dorothea Lange as a artist because she has a strong emotion to show her life with some meaningful images, she is brave and she is great.


About the Presentation

The photographer for my group is Dorothea Lange.

I think the most interesting thing about our photographer is the world she want to take on and the process when she took photos for some years, she lost herself, and finally she insured her work is meaningful.

I think the most difficult aspect of our artist to discuss is the way how she help the poors when she take photos of them and what she feels under the camera. It's hard but also interesting.


What is Art?

Last class, we had seen many interesting photos, no matter whether I like them, they're really special.

I am always poor at drawing pictures, but I love photography. I have been interested in it for many years. I think the nature give us muse everytime and everywhere.

From those pictures I found some people make their lives with photography, they want to put a different sight on the same object, which maybe not beautiful enough. Cause I knew some knowledge of photography, the people who took those photos are had good skills in photography, but I can't agree all of them, because something was too scarce to understand, why not choose something clear?

I would like to take photos with some thing more obvious, and normal, such like the sunshine, we often see sunshine at a time, but it's changing all the time. The sunshine can mean bright, hope, happiness, however, under the sunshine, there goes to be a shadow, so if we take photos with the shadow, the meaning also changed. Actually the sunshine is just sunshine, it has no sense, but we used to give it a emotion we want to share, that's art, we express our feeling without control.

I think art is not a thing we try to look for but never find, I hope art is the magic I can get something from but not be lost in it.

I like Mann's photos, especially her family's photos. They're the most special photos I had seen, I feel their lives are so quiet and nature, they're simple, no surprises, but strong moving, I don't know why, but I really like the people in it, the river, the colour.

Art is the beauty everyone thinks differently, but they are all come from life, we don't lack of beauty, but we lack of eyes to discover the beauty.


The Presentation Works

Now, I almost agree with that"Madonna is a Queen".

After our presentation, I find I had many new ideas of Madonna. I knew she is a famous star before, but I had never realized how hard she works. I think we had a good work on which songs we had chose, it's really interesting, and this song made me want to know what kind of peron Madonna is. She is so ambivalent that I almost fall in love with her. However, I recognize we hadn't prepared enough cause we still can't explain part of the vedieo meaning. Maybe we need to acquire more background of that song.

And we had wrote a wonderful song, the lyrics were beautiful but realistic. In my opinion, it close to Madonna's life, whatever she looks like, whatever others say, "I bless you". I love our song.

About the event, we had some different opinions our group actually, but that's OK. It's history, it's the past, I hope we can get message from this event, peaceful is very precious. On the other hand, we should to get more knowledge about The Second World War, and we should to remember them but not just to write them down and read them.

The presentation give a chance for us to learn more informations beside songs, also the background, the singer's life and the emotion take on. It's a good time to enjoy music, to share our feelings.

By the way, although the PPT is very very useful and good-looking, I think if we can use the white board to write our thread on it, it maybe more applied and we'll have a clearly line of our minds.


A Question To Rosa

Hi dear Rosa,
I went to your blog for times, but I didn't find any posts, is there something wrong?
I had thought about what to ask you for several days, this morning I came up with a problem myself, as when I live away from home, I feel lonliness sometimes.

So what about you, when will you feel lonliness and what you'll do when you feel lonely?
I am look forward to your answer, Rosa
and Best,


I Have A Dream

I have a dream which I had thought in my mind for a long time.

As my mother country becoming more and more stronger, the quanlity of life going to be more and more better, I still have a dream.

I have a dream that one day everyone has food to eat , hunger never appears , no matter in the city or country.

I have a dream that all the children who are born in countryside can go to school, have their own books and stationeries, and more teachers would like to go there for education. I hope that Chinese student may have less and less pressure, enjoy their childhood more freeness. Everybody can go into university to study and find job easily.

I have a dream today , from East Coast to West Inland, the street looks very clean and economical keeps balance.

I have a dream that every Chinese can know and understand the differences between the North and the South .No matter rich or poor, everyone is regarding as equal, people are friendly ,kind-hearted and have good manners.

I have a dream that all Chinese can hold together to solve problems any times. For example , in Wenchuan Earthquake , 2008, a great deal of Chinese gave hands to those men who are in trouble.That's it . We need the spirit forever.

I have a dream that the world can be peaceful, there's no war , including America,Europe,Japan,China, Taiwan China...everywhere, if we don't have a safe environment, nothing continues.

So I have a dream today that all my dreams will come true in the future.


My Violin Childhood

Through all the instruments, I like violin best. Actually I have a violin serendipity. Many instruments have their own characteristic, especially the violin. I can easily to identificate the tune of violin by its special blood.
I still believe violin has a soul, different man play violin while the melody is also different even they're playing the same song. I had learned to play violin for 2 years when I was five years old. I even hadn't go to school, but dating with violin everyday. In these days, the life seemed too hard to go on, I was just a child! As a matter of fact, I hate violin at that time, it's terrible, boring, made my childhood suffering. Learning is never a diffeculty but to hold on. After two years, I gave it up when my primary school just began. I'm sure I'd make the worst decision to stop it today, it's the most regret thing in my mind.
So I love violin most, exactly I'm missing it, like an old friend of mine, I know her but I cannot find her any more, cause it will exist in my memory forever.

Finally I would like to give you a video of my idol who can play violin very well, he also plays piano,guita,cello and so on. Maybe the video is difficult to open up, because it needs several minutes to buffer, please be patient and I have checked it out there's no problem.If you really love music ,hold on please,my dear friends.